Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Case of Nurture Nature Pty Ltd. Company - 1269 Words
With the deepening of economic globalization, company has been one of the principal participants in the market economy. Therefore, director as the fiduciary of the company, he whether fulfill his duty has been focus of attention. In the case of Nurture Nature Pty Ltd Company, Yolande, Shani and Wei are the directors of the Company, but in fact the companys operation mainly control by Yolande and Shani. Under Yolande and Shani’s proposals, company spent twice the price to purchase the equipments in order to expand into Papua New Guinea (PNG) markets. However, due to local government has strict policy, their plan was abortion; on the other hand, Wei as a non-executive director that he signed a loan contract on behalf of company with bank privately, which without permission of the other directors and shareholders. The above two cases eventually made the company into a financial crisis. In this assignment, it will through some rules of Common Law and Corporation Act to discuss whether Yolande, Shani and Wei breach their duty (part A) and whether the contract was bound by Nurture Nature Pty Ltd Company (part B). Proprietary limited company is a corporate that has a separate legal existence, perpetual succession and limited liabilities and it also governs by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Proprietary limited company is not on the ASX list, which means it could not raise funds from the public. Before registration, company must have a constitution orShow MoreRelatedStudy of Starbuck Coffee and Gloria Jean Coffee7812 Words  | 32 Pagesequipment - primarily through its company-operated retail stores. In addition to sales through our company-operated retail stores, Starbucks sells whole bean coffees through a specialty sales group and supermarkets. 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(Yukl, Taber 1983)Read MoreLeadership Power10268 Words  | 42 Pagesleadership power exercised by leaders from the Royal Society leadership website (RSNZ) and acknowledge commonalities and differences between them. Research shows that referent power often results in subordinate loyalty to the leader and in most cases this is the most effective form of leadership, however, the effectiveness of any power depends upon the skill and appropriateness with which it is used. Leaders should exercise authority politely and clearly and verify compliance. (Yukl, Taber 1983)Read MoreAccounting Systems, Internal Controls, and Ethics28179 Words  | 113 Pagesuser-friendly. Design Factors Once the objectives have been determined the system designer should consider a number of factors, or influences, that need to be taken into account in the design. 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Discussion Forum activities Discussion Forum activities can be accessed directly through the eBook or the ‘Discussion Forum’ homepage in the Subject Room. They offer students
Monday, December 16, 2019
Motivation and Teams Case Study Free Essays
The goal-setting theory states that employees are motivated when they are given a specific goal. Mary Ellen Sheets set goals and had business plans made so she knew approximately how well the company would do. She wanted everyone to have a good experience with a business known to cause less stress and she worked hard to accomplish that. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Teams Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ms. Sheets created Stick Men University to create consistently high-performing teams for her company. The franchise owners and the men who do the moving are taught everything she has learned from the initial contact with a customer to the end of the move. Franchisees and movers learn the basicsâ€â€from answering a customer’s first phone call to a handshake after the move is done. The job enrichment theory states that if employees have control over how their jobs are preformed or managed they will be motivated to work better. Klaus Kleinfeld was able to negotiate with employee representatives to get work done quicker by working flexible shifts. Work that is finished quicker translates into more money and job security, two things that would motivate employees to perform their jobs better. Mr. Kleinfeld encouraged his employees to pull together to get their job done. He understood that many jobs are being outsourced to other countries and to keep their jobs it was important to work together. He works hard at knowing everything about Siemens so that he was an important part of the company and he has job security. He answered e-mails from employee reps almost immediately, even late at night. He was able to motivate people to pull together. How to cite Motivation and Teams Case Study, Free Case study samples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Causes Global Financial Crisis In The USA †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Causes Global Financial Crisis In The USA? Answer: Introduction The global financial crises origination was from the USA economy. This is the greatest recession that resulted in negative harmful impacts to many world economies. Some economies are still on the recovery process as the impacts still last to date. This paper will show the factors that contributed to the USA financial crisis which consequently resulted in the global financial crisis. The crisis can be argued to have been spread in a fast pace to the other world economies owing to the interrelatedness that has been raised by globalization (Rosner, 2013). There are a wide view of factors that major analysts has put forward to explain the causes. The major cause is argued to be the failure of the subprime mortgages that the mortgage lenders had introduced. According to Fisher (2013), there was a notable boom in the US housing market that later turned to be a painful burst. It was in the mid-2000s when the housing demand in the US started rising; the rise was facilitated by factors such as; the mortgage interest rate was relatively low, there was a recovery of personal income, in addition, the credit lending standards were lowered. These factors made it easier for the households to acquire mortgage credits. The banks also went forward and started lending to high-risk borrowers whose incomes were too low. There was an increased housing demand which caused a rise in prices. According to Fisher (2013), the gauge for the US housing market by the Federal Housing Finance Agencys (FHFA) showed that the price rose by 67% in 2007. The low lending standards by the lending institutions is an indicator that there was limited government regulation. The recession triggered the attempt of many responses of which some were deemed successful whereas others did not result in significant changes. Most economists consider the actions of the US big banks to be the real origination of the global recession; there is a great support for the same. This paper will cover the performance of the US economy prior and during the crisis. The factors that contributed to the global recession will be determined whether they started showing up signs on the same year of the crisis or had shown signs for a period before. If we find out that the signs had been shown a long time before, we shall conclude that the crisis was avoidable. However, if the signs showed up closer to the crisis, it will concluded to have been unavoidable. It shall put more emphasis on the major factors that are commonly agreeable to have been behind the global recession. We shall analyze where the banks went wrong and also where the government failed to play its part well. Subprime Mortgage crisis and the US Housing Market The US housing boom was stimulated by the deep involvement of the US government on its mortgage market through various regulations. Its main aim for the deep involvement was to facilitate the access of credit to the subprime borrowers. For instance, the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act prohibited the discrimination of borrowers based on their income levels. The 2003 American Dream Down payment Assistance Act provided closing cost assistance and down payments to low-income communities (Malinen, 2017). The turmoil in the US financial market lasted from 2007 to 2009; it was caused by a housing bubble that was as a consequence of the expansion of mortgage loans to borrowers that were of high risk. Initially, the interest rate were very high and the potential borrowers were discouraged from borrowing from the lenders because servicing the debt was more expensive. When the interest rates were lowered by the federal government, the servicing costs fell and mortgages became less expensive to the borrowers, it attracted many less risk and high risk borrowers (Amadeo, 2017). Initially, the high risk borrowers wouldnt be allowed an access to credit; the lenders were of strict restrictions. The only people who were allowed access to mortgage were those who had credit histories that were above average. The purchase for homes was thus low since many people had credit histories that were below average. Their requests for small down payments or on choosing high payment loans were always denied b y the lenders unless they were backed up by the government insurance. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) backed some high-risk families to enable them to acquire access to small-sized mortgages from the lenders. Those who were not backed up by this governments body were forced to depend on rentals. The stemming of the 2007-10 subprime mortgage was from the expansion of mortgage credit to even the high-risk borrowers. Since people had more mortgage credit, their demand for homes went up consequently resulting in rising home prices (Anderson, 2017). The availability of mortgage credit to those who couldnt access them before contributed to a fluctuation in the homeownership by around 65% with low mortgage foreclosure rates. It was in the mid-2000s when the lenders made a decision to make credit mortgages available to the high- risk borrowers through selling them to investors while repackaged into pools. These risks were apportioned by the use of new financial products; most of the subprime mortgage funding was now provided by private-label mortgagebacked securities (PMBS) (Duca, 2013). The new financial instruments used made the securities to be viewed as less risky. More potential first-time homebuyers were attracted to the mortgage credit and thus a rise in the homeownership (He, Jun and Strahan, 2011). The supply of houses is not equal in all the places; there are places where its high and others where it is too low. The credit expansion raised the demand and thus home prices went up; the rise was so intense in areas where the supply was already insufficient. The houses were projected to continue gaining in value as their demand and prices continued rising. The investors were protected from making lo sses since the house prices were on the rise and thus purchasing of the PMBS was at first profitable. It reached a point when the high-risk borrowers were unable to make their repayment obligations and were thus forced to sell their homes at a higher gain and repaid their mortgages obligations, otherwise, the made some additional borrowing against the higher market prices and continued with their repayments. The sustainability of the new mortgage product (PMBS) was untested and thus its riskiness was unknown. When the peak for house prices was reached it became less viable for settling mortgage debt through re-borrowing by the investors to refinance the mortgage or even selling the homes. This resulted in a rise in the mortgage loss rates for both the lender and the investors. Stateofworkingamerica.org (2017) noted that the 8 Trillion burst of the housing bubble was the beginning of the financial crisis in the US. Consumers spending was reduced since there was a great loss of wealth in the economy. When the bubble busted, there were chaos triggered on the financial markets; these chaos combined with the decreased consumer spending distorted the business investment (there was a collapse) as shown below. The trust in business in the US before the crisis was higher compared to the other economies. During the crisis the trust fell by a 20-point drop. The drying up of business investment and the consumer spending resulted in a massive loss of jobs. The New Century Financial Corp was the first leading lender of subprime mortgage to file for bankruptcy in April 2007. Shortly thereafter, the initially viewed as of low risk PMBS and their backed securities were then downgraded to high risk; several subprime lenders ended up closing down. This resulted in a collapse of the subprime bond funding which consequently prevented the lenders from not only making additional subprime mortgages, but also avoided the nonprime mortgages. The unavailability of mortgage credit resulted in a falling housing demand and thus a decline in the house prices (Kolb, 2010). Further expectation of a falling price completely made the demand to shrink. The decline in prices was so extreme such that it became so diffi cult for the high-risk borrowers to repay their mortgages; even after reselling their homes, the money received was inadequate to fully repay their mortgages. This was not only to the high-risky borrowers, but also to the less risk borrowers who had initially provided high-sized down payments. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were government-sponsored enterprises that made huge losses as a result of the failing prime mortgages; this forces the government to seize them in the 2008 summer. The reason for the government to lower its interest rate was to boost the ownership of homes. This federally mandated goals made Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to issue debt for funding the purchase of the mortgage-backed subprime securities whose value fell after the default rate by the borrowers increased (Atif, Sufi and Trebbi, 2010); their action was according to the 1992 Housing and Community Development Act. These two enterprises suffered great losses after the prime mortgage failure; they had bought the backed securities, insured them, and bundled them into the investors package of prime mortgage-backed securities. The losses made by the subprime lenders, the falling into bankruptcy and the closure of some lenders resulted in increased restriction on credit advances to both the high-risk and the low-risk borrowers; the qualification for such loans was made to be more difficult resulting in an extended fall in the housing demand. The housing market became weak as the number of repossessions multiplied as a result of increased foreclosures; many initial investors sold their homes at lower market prices. Some delinquent borrowers also tried to sell their homes in an attempt to avoid the foreclosure (Friedman, 2011). The selling sometimes was on short sale where lenders accepted partial losses for homes sold at a value lower than the owed amount. The bursting of the housing bubble that caused the 2007-09 recession affected the overall economy in several major ways. Construction was lowered, consumer spending was lowered since their wealth was reduced, the lending ability of firms was reduced and the firms ability to raise funds from securities market was also reduced (Duca, 2013). The Monetary Policy This is another factor argued to be responsible for the financial crisis in the US. It is noted by Malinen (2017) that before the crisis, the US had left its monetary policy to remain so loose. This is also a factor that contributed to the housing boom that later resulted in the worst burst ever. The loose monetary policy raised the circulation of money into the economy and raised the demand for assets (Taylor, 2014). It was left to be loose so as to stimulate the economic performance of the US economy. Conclusion The US economy is actually the real origination of the 2008-09 global recession. The financial crisis was caused by regulatory poor regulations that were aimed at promoting the US economic growth. There are many policies that were used in an attempt to attain recovery in the US and all other affected economies. The global recession was a good basis in which world economies can determine the signs of the occurrence of a recession and bearing the fact that recovery from this global recession was an extended process, they will employ policies immediately in order to avoid it. During the housing bubble boom that resulted from expanded subprime mortgage, the house prices rose to very high levels, however, the failure of the prime mortgages resulted in an accelerated downward spiral on the home prices. The fact that the signs for the US financial crisis were in existence long before the crisis, it can be concluded that the crisis was avoidable. The government can therefore be accused for p oor financial regulations. References Amadeo, K. (2017). Causes of Economic Recession. [Online] The Balance. Available at: https://www.thebalance.com/causes-of-economic-recession-3306010 [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. Anderson, C. (2017). What caused the recession in the US in 2008? [Online] Quora.com. Available at: https://www.quora.com/What-caused-the-recession-in-the-US-in-2008 [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. Atif, M., Sufi, A. and Trebbi, F. (2010). "The Political Economy of the US Mortgage Default Crisis." American Economic Review, 100(5): 1967-98. Duca, J. (2013). Subprime Mortgage Crisis. [Online] Federalreservehistory.org. Available at: https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/subprime_mortgage_crisis [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. Fisher, R. (2013). The Long-Awaited Housing Recovery: 2013 Annual Report. [Online] Dallasfed.org. Available at: https://www.dallasfed.org/fed/-/media/documents/fed/annual/2013/ar13.pdf [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017]. Friedman, J. (2011). What caused the financial crisis? Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press. He, J., Jun, Q., and Strahan, P. (2011). "Credit Ratings and the Evolution of the Mortgage-Backed Securities Market." American Economic Review, 101(3): 131-35. Kolb, W. (2010). Lessons from the financial crisis: causes, consequences, and our economic future. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. Konczal, E. (2009). The Financial Crisis and Ethics. [Online] Corporate-eye.com. Available at: https://www.corporate-eye.com/main/the-financial-crisis-and-ethics/ [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. Malinen, T. (2017). Who Caused the Great Recession? [Online] Huffingtonpost.com. Available at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/tuomas-malinen/who-caused-the-great-rece_b_9805056.html [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. Positivemoney.org (2017). Financial Crisis Recession? [Online] Positive Money. Available at: https://positivemoney.org/issues/recessions-crisis/ [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017]. Rosner, H. (2013). What Really Spurred the Great Recession? [Online] Kellogg Insight. Available at: https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/what_really_spurred_the_great_recession [Accessed 10 Sep. 2017]. Stateofworkingamerica.org. (2017). The Great Recession. [Online] Available at: https://stateofworkingamerica.org/great-recession/ [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. Taylor, J. (2014). The Role of Policy in the Great Recession and the Weak Recovery. [Online] Reinventingbrettonwoods.org. Available at: https://www.reinventingbrettonwoods.org/content/role-policy-great-recession-and-weak-recovery [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mercedes Benzs E-Biz Solution free essay sample
The fact that we would be one of the first car manufacturers in the United States to have a factory delivery program would be seen as a very positive thing in this regard. William Engelke, Assistant Manager, IT Systems, Mercedes Benz US International, commenting on the FDRS. Linking Customers By 2000, Mercedes Benz United States International (MBUSI), builder of the high-quality MClass sports utility vehicle (SUV), established itself as a company that also delivered superior customer services. One such service was the delivery option where by the customer could take delivery of the vehicle at the factory in Alabama, US. The program called the Factory Delivery Reservation System (FDRS), enabled MBUSI to create and validate 1800 orders per hour. FDRS also automatically generated material requirements and Bills of Material1 for 35,000 vehicles per hour. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution that made FDRS possible was based on Lotus Domino2 and IBM Netfinity3 server4. Analysts felt that with its innovative use of the new program, MBUSI not only managed to improve its customer relations by providing the best service, but also demonstrated its commitment to customers by making them an integral part of the process. We will write a custom essay sample on Mercedes Benzs E-Biz Solution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Customers were, in a way linked directly to the factory floor – which was a powerful sales tool. Background: Mbusi and its Business Challenges MBUSI was a wholly-owned subsidiary of DaimlerChrylser AG. 5 In 1993, Daimler Benz realized that the Benz brand could be extended to wider market segments. Traditionally, Mercedes Benz6 appealed to older and sophisticated customers only. Daimler Benz wanted to attract customers below 40 years of age, who wanted a rugged vehicle with all the safety and luxury features of a Mercedes. Daimler Benz decided to develop a SUV known as the M-Class. It expected strong demand for the new vehicle and therefore planned to build its first car-manufacturing facility – MBUSI – in the (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) US. The MBUSI facility had many advantages. First, labor costs in the US were almost half that of in Germany. Second, the US was the leading geographic market for SUVs. Third, as the vehicles were assembled in the US, they could be distributed to Canada and Mexico more efficiently. In January 1997, the factory started production at partial capacity and by the end of the year, it was producing at full capacity. By 2000, the factory was rolling out around 380 vehicles per day. The new M-Class „allactivityvehicle represented a new concept for the company. Also, mass customization required that each vehicle be treated as a separate project, with its own Bill of Material. To deal with these challenges, Daimler Benz decided to implement an enterprise wide Information Technology (IT) system, with the help of IBM Global Services7. To further strengthen the image of Mercedes Benz in the US, MBUSI planned to deliver vehicles at the factory, becoming the first international automobile manufacturer in the US to do so. MBUSI also wanted to enrich the customersexperience. Commented William Engelke, â€Å"The factory delivery option gives Mercedes-Benz customers something that they do not get from other automobile manufacturers which is why we think the program will resonate with our customers. We think that having the factory delivery program available to Mercedes customers adds to the overall experience of the customer. †The Design of FDRS The FDRS program was proposed in the first quarter of 1998. In the third quarter of 1998, MBUSI entered into a contract with IBM. A development team was constituted with IBM Global Solutions specialists and IBM e-commerce developers, who worked closely with MBUSI. The program became operational by the first quarter of 1999. The IT team at MBUSI had a clear set of functional specifications for FDRS. However, they relied on IBM to transform the concept into an e-business solution. The FDRS was designed in such a way that customers buying the M-Class SUV could specify that will take delivery of their new vehicle at the factory. They could place the order at any of the 355 Mercedes Benz dealers in the US. An authorized employee at the dealership entered the factory delivery order the web interface. Timing was the most important aspect of the FDRSfunctionality, as it was closely linked with MBUSIs vehicle production schedule. Mercedes Benz United States of America (MBUSA)8, based in Montvale, NJ, was the first link in the FDRS program. It was the point where the dealer actually placed the order. MBUSAs role was to coordinate the distribution of vehicles to dealers across the country. Later, it had to add the order to the companys Baan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)9system, which scheduled the order for production. About three months before the production date, the dealer could schedule in a window, the date and time of arrival of the customer at the factory for delivery. The window was then automatically computed by the FDRS to give the dealer, the possible delivery dates. Apart from the delivery date, the customer could also specify the accessories for the car and also request a factory tour. FDRS was based on Lotus Domino (Refer Exhibit I), Lotus Enterprise Integrator10 and IBM Netfinity servers. It also interfaced with IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server, Model 9672-R45 located in Montvale, NJ (Refer Figure I). There were two Domino servers – an IBM Netfinity 5500 and an IBM Netfinity 3000. FIGURE I SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE OF FDRS Source: MBUSI The former that acted as the „internal Domino serverwas placed behind a firewall 11. It replicated databases through the firewall to the external server. The replication, which was encrypted, represented the primary means by which the FDRS system achieved security. Netfinity 3000 acted as an „external Domino server. It had public information and was also the primary communication linkage for dealers. The ack-end of the FDRS was equipped with an Oracle database that updated the internal Domino server database with order information. The updation was done using Lotus Enterprise Integrator. The data which was replicated to the internal Domino server included lists of valid dealers and lists of order numbers. When an order was placed by the dealer on the FDRS system, the data was first stored on the external Domino server, after which it w as replicated to the internal Domino server. Then it was replicated to the back-end database via the Lotus Enterprise Integrator. Data replication between the Lotus Notes servers happened every 15 minutes and data exchange with the back-end database three times per day. There was also a link between the back end database and an IBM S/39012 mainframe based system located at MBUSA via a T113 line. MBUSA managed the flow of vehicles to Mercedes dealers across the United States. This mainframe based system, received new vehicle orders (as opposed to factory delivery reservation requests) from individual dealers. The orders were then sent to MBUSIs Baan system and also to the back-end database. The vehicle ordering and factory reservation data were coordinated with each other when the back-end database uploaded the data to the internal Domino server. This coordinated the production and delivery information. FDRS Implementation One of the most challenging aspects of the implementation seemed to be the complexity of the Lotus and Domino scripts. The development team had to group all the information from diverse systems. Commented William Engelke, â€Å"There was a substantial amount of very complex coding involved in the FDRS solution. This application involves a lot more than having our dealers fill out a form and submitting it. There are many things the servers have to do for the system to function properly, such as looking at calendars and production schedules. We built a solution with some very advanced communication linkages. †IBM faced many technical challenges during the implementation of the program. One of them was the different timing schemes of the Lotus Notes databases and backend databases (ERP). This led to discrepancies in the data. Domino server was a Near Real Time (NRT) Server14, and MBUSIs backend activities were both real time15and batch processing16. Also, to get the best results, the Domino server was an optimised subset of the ERP table set17. However, the development team achieved a balance between the two „sidesof the solution by focusing on issues of timing, error detection schemes, and alerts. Customer Satisfaction: FDRS Primary Benefit MBUSI seemed to measure FDRSsuccess in terms of increased satisfaction of its customers. The company also believed that the marketing and customer satisfaction aspects outweighed the significance of more traditional cost-based benefits. Apart from the factory delivery experience, the program also offered the customer a factory tour and ride on the off-road course at a low cost. The company also seemed to gain strategic marketing benefits from the FDRS program, as it was able to establish Mercedes-Benz as a premium brand. (Refer Table I for advantages of FDRS in different areas). Customers could also visit the various tourist spots in Alabama after picking up their M-class vehicles. TABLE I ADVANTAGES OF THE FDRS PROGRAM AREA Strategic Marketing Benefits Cost Savings ADVANTAGES FDRS was expected to improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, as it enriched Mercedes customers experience. The program also strengthened the brand image of Mercedes in the US. Development of a web-based solution enabled MBUSI to offer the factory delivery program at substantially lower costs, due to less reliance on administrative personnel. â€Å"Package Marketing†the FDRS program with a ride to tourist sites, enhanced the image of Alabama as a tourist destination. The creation of a similar – albeit smaller – factory delivery system to the European Customer Delivery Center in Sindelfingen, Germany, reflected favorably on the MBUSI business unit. Source: MBUSI Regional Economic Development DaimlerChrysler AG Future of FDRS In 2000, MBUSI planned to leverage FDRSplatform by adding a range of other services. MBUSI built an advanced platform to create communication links to its suppliers. Through the link, MBUSI provided them feedback on the quality of supplies it received. The dealers and suppliers had a user-ID and password, which the system recognized. It then routed them into the appropriate stage of the FDRS. The company also planned to extend the innovative system to include transactional applications such as ordering materials and checking order status on the Web. The company expected that the new system based on FDRS, would be more cost-effective than the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)18 system. ] Bill of Material keeps track of all raw materials, parts, and subassemblies used to create a finished product. 2] A product of IBM Corp. , Lotus Notes and Domino R5 are the industrys leading client/server combination for collaborative messaging and e-business solutions. 3] The IBM Netfinity server offers solutions for file-and-print and application computing needs. 4] A computer or de vice on a network that manages network resources. For example, a file server is a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files. Any user on the network can store files on the server. A print server is a computer that manages one or more printers, and a network server is a computer that manages network traffic. A database server is a computer system that processes database queries. 5] DaimlerChrysler AG was the result of a merger between two leading car manufacturers – Daimler Benz of Germany and Chrysler Corp. of the US in 1998. 6] A luxury brand of passenger cars, Sports Utility Vehicles from DaimlerChrysler. 7] IBM Global Services is the services and consultancy division of IBM Corp. that offers extensive ebusiness solutions. 8] MBUSA is the wholly owned US subsidiary of DaimlerChrylser. ] ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments particular needs. 10] A server-based data distribution product that enables data exchange between Lotus Domino and a number of host and relational applications. 11] A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or f rom a private network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria. 12] The IBM S/390 servers offer direct high speed access to the e-business application and are used for Enterprise Computing. 13] A dedicated phone connection supporting data rates of 1. 544 Mbits per second. A T1 Line actually consists of 24 individual channels, each of which supports 64 Kbits per second. Each 64 Kbit per second channel can be configured to voice or data traffic. 14] The NRT Server System supports real time distribution of near-real time data. 5] Real time refers to events simulated by a computer at the same speed that they would occur in real life. 16] Executing a series of noninteractive jobs all at one time. The term dates back to the days when users entered programs on punch cards. They gave a batch of these programmed cards to the system operator, who fed them into the computer. Usually, batch jo bs are stored up during working hours and then executed whenever the computer is idle. Batch processing is particularly useful for operations that require the computer or a peripheral device for an extended period of time. Once a batch job begins, it continues until it is done or until an error occurs. Note that batch processing implies that there is no interaction with the user while the program is being executed. 17] The ERP tables are the database tables, (thousands of them), on which the package is built. The programmers and end users must set these tables to match their business processes. Each table has a decision „switchthat leads the software down one decision path or another. 18] EDI connects all the suppliers in and out of the US. www. icmrindia. org/free resources/casestudies/Mercedes Benz-ITSystems-Case Studies. htm
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Beautyism in the Workplace Analysis Essay
Beautyism in the Workplace Analysis Essay Beautyism in the Workplace Analysis Essay Example Beautyism in the Workplace Analysis Essay Example The current paper outlines the main features of beauty bias. At the beginning of the paper, the article focuses on bringing some understanding of beautyism in the workplace by defining this concept. The research has four logically put parts, which reflect the essence of the selected topic. In fact, the paper reflects the point explaining a negative aspect of putting appearance as a central element in hiring practices. Further, the analysis explains the importance of extending hiring practices beyond the borders of appearance. In addition, the study reflects the role of business in the development of society and its impact on the development of future generations. Contemporary management is comprehensive measures, which formulate a platform of effective performance. It is a flexible system of indicators affecting the performance of the company aimed to lead it to success. In fact, contemporary companies tend to face numerous problems. They may lead to various conflicts within a working environment. Beautyism in the workplace is one of the most serious problems. The company in the light of today’s problems in management could meet it. It is the fact that many companies take care of their reputation in all aspects. Face-control in hiring practices has become a normal phenomenon for many companies. It is important to take into account every aspect of the problem. It should be done in order to understand its effect on the company’s performance, hiring practices and employees’ respond to the strict selection based on the appearance factors. Beautyism and Its Potential Discriminatory Effects on Hiring in the Workplace Beautyism is a phenomenon, which penetrates the segment of business as a category of natural respond of a manager towards the selection of a candidate in hiring practices. Any respond is natural as long as it is in human nature to make choices in favor of attractive objects. It is a subconscious reaction to processes and objects in the surrounding world. However, beautyism may have the abusive nature from the point of those who fall under a process of selection. In fact, it is possible to see effects of beautyism from different points. For example, it is possible to see the effects on individuals looking for a job through the lens of numerous investigations. They show that an attractive man is most likely to earn $250 000 over his career. Meanwhile his counterpart can hardly move on a career ladder and generate enough profits in order to take care of his family. It is a natural phenomenon, which penetrates contemporary business. However, it can be considered as a lottery, which does not ensure in bringing profits to the company and extending its performance to the optimum level. Attractiveness is a vague indicator, which can cease or increase the organization’s performance. However, it has a significant influence on the firm’s performance in both positive and negative ways. In order to understand the nature of the discussed topic, it is necessary to consider every aspect of beautyism influencing the development of the company along with its hiring practices. Moreover, it is possible to claim as follows. There is a significant influence on the reputation of the organization, which strives to hire attractive candidates and take care of its image in its essence. However, it is possible to see that many managers confuse the meaning of image when they consider it as a management tool. The influence of beautyism is unbearable and undeniable. It is supported by various facts from the statistics. Approximately 3% of candidates have already turned to the services of cosmetic surgery in order to apply for a job. The other part, i.e. 73%, believe that appearance is one of the most important elements in hiring practices. They suppose it is impossible to apply for any job without meeting appropriate appearance criteria. Almost 82% believe that cosmetic procedures can increase their chances to get the job of their dream (Judge Cable, 2004). In fact, all of respondents are aware of the fact that business considers appearance as a significant element in hiring practices. However, look does not always mean that the organization will benefit from the hired candidate. Skills, experience, and appearance do not always have the same combination in one candidate. In addition, it is a part of discrimination based on appearance. It is a beauty bias, which takes place in any workplac e. It has a negative influence on the development of appropriate corporate spirit. In addition, it has a selfish nature, which encourages employees to focus on appearance instead of the set of skills and experiences. The latter ones are most likely to improve the performance of the organization. Moreover, discrimination within a workplace can increase a turnover rate of employees who have enough knowledge, skills and experience. However, these ones do not meet the corporate beauty criteria. It can become a devastative practice of workforce in the company. The Chair’s Behavior from a Human Resource Management Perspective From the perspective of human resource management, the Chair’s behavior is inefficient and does not have any economically approved basement. In fact, it will have a significant effect on the performance of college. It is unacceptable to perform in such a way the Chair does as long as it prevents the development of college. There are different factors, which have a negative influence on the activities of any educational institution. It needs a special attention from the side of administration (Mahajan, 2007). Education is a segment of social activity, which requires taking wise decisions leading to the development of education. In addition, these solutions should help to regulate the processes flowing inside any college and its cooperation activities. In fact, knowledge, skills, and experience have become one of the most important key-success indicators. They should lead college to the development and improvement. Education has a significant influence on the society. It is unac ceptable to neglect the selection of candidates. Worries of the committee regarding the decision of the Chair are normal as long as the Chair’s colleagues realize the importance of choice. However, it is possible to approve the Chair’s decision at some point. The case presented does not contain enough information to judge actions of Chair. For example, it is not appropriate to hire a candidate with tattoos, body piercings, and other visible body adornments within an educational institution. College should be a source of examples, which students are most likely to follow (Malos, 2007). It can become a negative influence on the development of youth. However, young people tend to make a free choice of making tattoos or body piercings. In fact, educational institutions should be a source of purity and appropriate behavior, which can set the core values in the development of young minds. In addition, it is important to have the same dress code for every employee in order to promote equality within a workplace at least from the perspective of clothes. The Chair did not act appropriately in the process of candidate selection. It is obvious that the committee disapproves the decision as long as there is beauty bias. Discrimination in the educational institution is also another mistake, which can lead to disappointing outcomes in the face of students going through the learning process. In addition, it is important to mention that students tend to develop behavioral and cultural responses to the processes running within the external world (Rudman Phelan, 2008). It means that discrimination in a workplace will set the same behavior of students in future and continue a flow of discrimination within the working environment. The Chair’s decision is unfair enough to promote a further negative impact on the development of society with its social segments. The Action that the Hiring Committee Should Take to Handle the Hiring Decision In order to avoid discrimination and take an appropriate response to actions of the Chair, it is necessary to have a committee take an action towards elimination of the problem. As soon as it notices a negative tendency in the selection process and hiring practices, it is necessary to take an immediate action. In order to make the process flexible, it will be important to take certain steps, which will have a positive influence on the selection process. First, it is important to interview every candidate with the same set of questions. This process should start from making candidates fill in forms of questionnaires without attaching photos to them. It will help to focus on the information presented in a form instead of taking into account only appearance factors. In addition, it is necessary to conduct the selection process in several stages. The first step should collect the whole set of information on each candidate, which will be assessed further on other stages by the committee. The second stage should have personal meetings with the selection of those candidates being smart enough with an enormous set of skills, knowledge, and experiences. The third stage should offer candidates the diversity of cases and creative tasks, which will help to reflect an ability to work in a team and take decisions along with other team members. Teamwork is one of the most important parts in the performance of any institution regardless of its sphere of activity. In addition, it should be a comprehensive assessment, which will reflect skills and abilities of every candidate. By the end of the selection process, the committee should present the results to the Chair and take a common decision. It will become the most beneficial point in the hiring process. It is unacceptable to hire candidates based only on the appearance factors for several reasons. First, it is a discriminatory element in the performance of college. Secondly, this decision does not have enough judgments in ord er to prove its efficiency. In general, Chair should listen to the committee and should not take fast decisions, which do not have any explanation. In general, it is possible to claim that the committee and the Chair should act together in order to cooperate and generate appropriate decisions towards hiring practices. The process should be complex enough to evaluate skills and knowledge of candidates. It should approve that their participation in the development of the educational institution will be beneficial. Hiring practices should have a focus on the development instead of the image. In addition, it should become a mandatory element to provide candidates applying for a job with a complex selection process. It will ensure candidates in the clarity of hiring practices. However, the dress code and other requirements around appearance should be one of the leading elements in the performance of the educational institution. Students should have some examples to be willing to follow. It means that the committee and the Chair should develop a set of rules and principles. They will become the core of both the performance of college and its hiring practices. Equality should become a platform of any activity running within college. To What Degree and Why Attractive Candidates May Be Given Unfair Consideration during Hiring Processes Attractiveness is a serious topic for the discussion within the segment of hiring practices. In addition, it often aligns with unfairness of choice. There are several examples and reasons of such a phenomenon, which penetrates contemporary hiring practices. First, it is necessary to take into account a factor of appearance, which can be a dangerous element in the performance of the company. For example, the case has reflected that educational institutions should take care of hiring candidates without any bodily adornments (piercings and tattoos). However, it is possible to hide these elements with the help of appropriate dress code. It means that every problem may have a solution even if the company tends to select candidates according to the appearance factors. It is hard to predict the degree of unfairness as long as every company has its own hiring practices. In general, it is obvious that it increases along with the organization’s intention to hire the candidate based only on his appearance factors. The second example of unfair decisions focuses on the problem of taking care of the firm’s image with the help of appearance of its employees. However, it is impossible to predict an appropriate development of the organization and its movement towards success within the selected system of hiring practices. In fact, it will have a negative influence on the activity of the company and its penetration with workforce willing to work on the development of business. One of the most significant problems lying within the field of hiring practices is discrimination based on sex, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation. These factors are the most common problems for business. They continue to spread despite social efforts to combat these problematic situations. Companies tend to make choices based on employee’s preferences or his cultural peculiarities. However, it is impossible to make judgments based on appearance. In general, it is a phenomenon of subconscious mind, which makes the selection based on the appearance of an object. However, the problem of the contemporary business is that it does not take into account other factors. A few companies allow its employees to have a casual dress code and choose their own way of expressing themselves. The majority of companies have strict rules, which cross discrimination in several aspects. In general, it is possible to claim that dress code is a light form of restriction penetrating hiring practice s of companies. Hiring practices can also be abusive leading to wrong conclusions within candidates. The latter ones turn to cosmetic surgery afterwards in order to obtain the job of their dream. In addition, many companies provoke employees to forget about increasing their skills and knowledge and paying too much attention to the appearance instead. This practice can be appropriate only for modeling business or a field of entertainment. It is unacceptable to have the same rules in the fields of management, education or any other business segment, which promotes the development of the whole society. In addition, the world should not forget that its performance today leads to the development of the future generation. Contemporary companies act in an abusive way, which makes it normal for future generations. Appearance has become a focus, which destroys a natural selection. As long as companies act carelessly towards evaluation of skills and experiences, candidates tend not to be interested in taking care of increasing knowledge or any other element, which can help to grow within business. Appearance has become a disease of many nations, which strive to achieve perfection in ev erything. However, this practice does not have any positive effect on business excellence. Probably, it can become one of the most significant problems of the business segment in future. In conclusion, it is possible to claim that the selected problem in management is one of the most common problems. It worries minds of many business leaders. It is unacceptable to implement any hiring practices based on attractiveness in the company’s performance. As long as the organization strives to achieve efficient results in the improvement of its financial stability, it is necessary to select candidates, which obtain enough skills and experience regardless of their attractiveness. In business, beauty of the company reflects its ability to achieve long-term success and promote its further development. Finally, the world should take an appropriate action in order to combat an inappropriate activity circulating in the segment of business in order to promote its development. It should become a mandatory element of any company to take care of making right choices of candidates. They will lead to the overall development of the society along with business. Business should beco me responsible for the development as long as it is a powerful booster regulating the performance of society. An educational sector should also perform in cooperation with business in order to prevent beauty bias within a workplace.
Friday, November 22, 2019
9 Forms of the Past Tense
9 Forms of the Past Tense 9 Forms of the Past Tense 9 Forms of the Past Tense By Mark Nichol Multiple variations of past tense that employ regular verbs occur in English. Explanations of the distinctions follow. Note that each section includes examples of positive-declarative, negative-declarative, and interrogative forms. 1. Simple Past A sentence in the simple-past form describes an event that occurred in the past: â€Å"They agreed with us.†â€Å"They did not agree with us.†â€Å"Did they agree with us?†Notice that in the first sentence, the verb form of agree is in past tense, but in the other examples, did does the heavy lifting of indicating the tense, so agree remains in present tense. In almost all other variations of past tense, the form of the verb â€Å"to be†and the participle retain the same form regardless of the type of sentence. 2. Past Progressive (or Past Continuous) Past-progressive statements and questions describe something that began in the past and continued to occur for a time before stopping: â€Å"They were agreeing with us.†â€Å"They were not agreeing with us.†â€Å"Were they agreeing with us?†3. Past Perfect This tense form applies to events that began at a time preceding a period in the past: â€Å"They had agreed with us.†â€Å"They had not agreed with us.†â€Å"Had they agreed with us?†4. Past Perfect Progressive (or Past Perfect Continuous) Sentences with this tense form describe something that occurred in the past and continued to occur after the fact but in the present is no longer occurring: â€Å"They had been agreeing with us.†â€Å"They had not been agreeing with us.†â€Å"Had they been agreeing with us?†5. Past Habitual A sentence written in past-habitual tense describes an occurrence that once occurred continuously or repeatedly: â€Å"They used to agree with us.†â€Å"They used to not agree with us.†(This formal usage is awkward and seldom used; we are more likely to write, â€Å"They used to disagree with us.†An informal version of the sentence, more likely to be used if no direct antonym like disagree is available for a given sentence, is â€Å"They didn’t use to agree with us.†) â€Å"Used they to agree with us?†(This formal usage is rare. The informal form, much more common, is, â€Å"Did they use to agree with us?†) 6. Time-Specific Past Habitual A variation of the past-habitual tense includes a specific time frame: â€Å"Before, they would agree with us.†â€Å"Before, they would not agree with us.†â€Å"Before, would they agree with us?†7. Past Intensive A sentence in the past-intensive form describes something confirmed as having occurred: â€Å"They did agree with us.†â€Å"They did not agree with us.†â€Å"Did they agree with us?†8. Future in the Past A future-in-the-past construction describes something that was supposed to have occurred after a time in the past: â€Å"They were going to agree with us.†â€Å"They were not going to agree with us.†â€Å"Were they going to agree with us?†Past Subjunctive This form is not numbered, because it is not, despite its name, a type of past tense, but it is identified here to make that point. A sentence formed in the past subjunctive describes a counterfactual event: â€Å"If they were going to agree with us, they would have told us by now.†â€Å"If they were not going to agree with us, they would have told us by now.†â€Å"If they were they going to agree with us, would they have told us by now?†9. Past-Perfect Subjunctive Sentences with this subjunctive form, by contrast, do have a past-tense sense: â€Å"Had they agreed with us, they would have told us by now.†â€Å"Had they not agreed with us, they would have told us by now.†â€Å"Had they agreed with us, would they have told us by now?†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)Email EtiquetteQuiet or Quite?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human prompting behavior research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human prompting behavior research paper - Essay Example Human behavior is exhibited throughout a person’s lifetime and is impacted with certain traits that people have. Factors that determine human behavior include heredity, social norms, culture, religion, and attitude. Except for heredity, the other factors can altered through effective prompt processes to ensure that people demonstrate the desired behaviors. Human resource training is a critical component of organizational prosperity. Sitzmann and Ely focused their research on the effects of prompting self-regulation on regulatory processes, learning, and attrition. The authors defined prompting self-regulation as asking trainees reflective questions with the aim of stimulating their self-regulatory engagement during the learning process (Sitzmann and Ely 132). Reflective questioning implies taking some information gathered previously and using it in answering the question at hand. Reflective practice enables trainees to pay critical attention to practical values and theories through reflexive examination of human actions. Polaha, Amanda and Rachael argue that reflective practice is the most common tool applied in practice-based professional learning contexts where trainees learn from professional experience (336). Sitzmann and Ely concluded that continuously prompting self-regulation had the greatest effect on learning and attrition (140). This is because trainees applied the principles of reflective practice in their learning processes, leading to increased learning. Prompting behavior, however, did not significantly increase the self-regulatory activity. The subsequent modules were characterized by moderate self-regulatory activity and attrition. Continuously prompted trainees tend to continue with the training even if their performance is low. Thus, prompted trainees continue to apply other strategies to enhance their performance in learning, which helps them to remain engaged
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cases in the american constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cases in the american constitution - Essay Example Being unable to assume the appointed offices without the commission documents, Marbury and three others petitioned the Court to force Madison to deliver the commission to Marbury. The Supreme Court denied Marburys petition, holding that the statute upon which he based his claim was unconstitutional. Irons (1999) wrote, in a style suitable for non-lawyers, of special interest to social activists and and critical race theory, as well as how issues of race have been shaped by, and in turn shaped, major decisions of the Supreme Court.1 Irons provided the case by adding to the "human interest" factor making it entertaining (and sometimes emotionally wrenching) and educational. In his first section "To Establish a More Perfect Union," he wrote about the background in the framing of the constitution and the origins of the Supreme Court while in the next section, "It Is a Constitution We Are Expounding," Irons wrote about the separation of powers and the Supreme Courts jurisdiction evolved discussing Marbury vs. Madison. Irons (1999) narrated how the Court rendered a unanimous (4-0) decision stating that Marbury had the right to his commission but the court did not have the power to force Madison to deliver the commission, on February 24, 1803. Chief Justice Marshall wrote the opinion of the court. Marshall presented the case as raising three distinct questions: (1) Did Marbury have a right to the commission? (2) Do the laws of the country give Marbury a legal remedy? (3) Is asking the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus the correct legal remedy? Marshall quickly answered the first two questions affirmatively. He found that the failure to deliver the commission was "violative of a vested legal right." In deciding whether Marbury had a remedy, Marshall stated: "The government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high
Saturday, November 16, 2019
African American-European American Iat Essay Example for Free
African American-European American Iat Essay The version of the IAT, that I chose to take is the African American – European American IAT. There were a few steps in order to complete the test; the first step was to fill out information about myself. The questions that I answered were related to my age my educational status, nationality, religious beliefs and my current state of employment. The next step of the test was to choose either ‘E,†or ‘I,†to indicate my choice of African American for a picture of a African American or European American for a picture of a European American. The next series of questions asked me to select either African American grouped with â€Å"bad,†or European American with â€Å"good’. Another series of questions was visually posed this time with, African American grouped with good and European American grouped with bad. The results show that data suggests a strong automatic preference for European American’s compared to African Americans. My automatic preference was toward European Americans. The results of this test aren’t very surprising to me. In class we were told how the test would go, so I already knew what to expect. There was a small bit of doubt whether or not the test would indicate a strong preference for one or the other at all though, because I am Hispanic. I would have speculate that based on the fact that I grew up primarily in white suburbia in a private school that almost exclusively consisted of all white students, that my preference is a subconscious choice. I am most familiar with European Americans therefore I chose them over African Americans. There is a distinction between implicit attitudes and explicit attitudes, that distinction is simple. Implicit attitudes are the attitudes that we don’t think about, they are automatic. Explicit attitudes are the attitudes that are consciously controlled. According to Gawronski and Bodenhausen, in the text, Social Psychology,†Our automatic implicit attitudes regarding someone or something often differ from our consciously controlled, explicit attitudes†(p.51). From the results of the IAT that I took, I would have to say that my implicit attitudes towards African Americans, do not match my explicit attitudes about African Americans. The reason that I believe that my implicit attitudes are different from my explicit attitudes is that I usually make a conscious decision to be friendly and welcoming to any person that I come in contact with regardless of gender, race, age, or sexual orientation. The results are mildly surprising, however, I believe that I am more accustomed to being in the company of European Americans, and therefore I show a distinct implicit attitude favoring them. Implicit attitudes are a dangerous thing; we should pay particular attention to how we label people explicitly, so that with time, we can manipulate our unconscious attitudes and impulse reactions to certain people. A good example of problems that people run into with their improper mind set comes to us from our text, Social Psychology. Age is the example Bugental and Hehman used in 2007, when they discovered that people treat the elderly differently than they do people whom are younger, they explain that â€Å"People’s perceptions of the elderly- as generally kind but frail, incompetent, and unproductive- predispose patronizing behavior†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p. 308). It’s that attitude that people hold about the elderly that according to Bugental and Hehman, â€Å"predispose patronizing behavior, such as baby-talk speech that leads elderly people to feel less competent and act less capably’ (p. 308). It is important that we change our thinking, because if we continue to have the same biases, we not only do our selves a disservice in being implicitly and or explicitly inappropriate in our attitudes, but we also risk the chance of hurting others in our actions. Works Cited Myers, D. C. (2010). Social psychology (10th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill. Pages 51,308 Psych 312 Extra Credit 10pts 5-8-13 Eli J. Guymon Gender – Career IAT The second test that I took was the gender – career IAT. Before the test began, I was asked to report my beliefs about women versus men in the work force and women versus men in the home life. The second set of questions asked me to fill out information about myself. The questions that I answered were, what is my age, my educational status, nationality, religious beliefs and my current state of employment. Following those questions were questions about my family growing up, they wanted to know if I had a mother as a primary care giver, and if she worked outside of the home, specifying what she did for a living, and if there was a secondary caregiver, such as a father or step father, where they employed outside the home, and what their occupation was. The next step of the test was to choose either ‘E,†or ‘I,†to indicate my choice. The groupings in the first series of visual concepts to match were men’s names with the word men and women’s names with the word women. The next step was to match men with career minded words and women with household related words. Finally in the final sets of matching words the groupings were reversed so that men and household related items were a pair and women with career minded words belonged together. According to the results, data suggested little or no association between male and female with career and family. I did not have a automatic preference. My explicit and implicit attitudes match, I do not consciously nor do I subconscious place anyone in a group that favors either individual in the work place or family. I am not surprised by my results because I was raised in a home where my mother was a primary care giver but I also received care giving from my step father. Both my mother and my step father worked outside of the home. Both my mother and my step father shared responsibilities equally except where one person seemed to enjoy a task more than the other, that partner would assume say a specific domestic role that the other was happy to not have to do. For an example of a domestic role that both of my parents needed to be done but one seemed to favor it over the other, grilling outside, was my step fathers domestic role because my mother did not enjoy doing that work, and my step father rarely did his own laundry, because it was a task that my mother felt comfortable doing by herself.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Walkabout :: essays research papers
Walkabout Walkabout is about a young girl, her younger brother, and a bush boy who fight for survival in the Australian desert. James Vance Marshall, the author, shows many problems of survival that the children are faced with, throughout their journey in the Australian desert. Some of the barriers that they are faced with are: language barrier, unfamiliar surroundings and the lack of essential items. Survival in the wilderness can be challenging, however one must be able to overcome these barriers in order to survive. The children in this novel are always faced with a communication problem; do to the Aboriginal not knowing their language and visa versa. The children try to overcome this barrier by using hand gestures, and pointing to things that sound like the word. Communication is the most important asset that they need in order for survival. The children have a difficult time-sharing their thoughts with one another, thus making it very frustrating for all of them to get their thoughts out in the open: 'We don't know what you're saying. But we're lost. We want to go to Adelaide' (Marshall, 45). This quote that Peter says is proving that the two children did not understand what he was saying. Peter asked him a question in return but Peter had to try and use hand expressions in order for the Aboriginal to understand. A language barrier can cause many problems for anyone, however, the children are also faced with another obstacle and that is unfamiliar surroundings. Since the children are unfamiliar with the area and where everything is located in the wild, they do not know how to go about in their journey. With no compass and no map, the children are very puzzled and are lost before they even begin their journey to Adelaide. A compass or a map would have allowed them to know which direction they are heading in; instead they must try and use the sun as a guide. By being in an unfamiliar area the children feel lost and alone: 'Lying beneath the great slab of rock, he looked small and helpless, dwarfed by the immensity of his surroundings'; (Marshall, 18). Since the children are unfamiliar with their environment, knowing where they can locate food becomes a dilemma. Essential items needed for survival are always hard to come by in the desert. Food is the most essential item of them all. Walkabout :: essays research papers Walkabout Walkabout is about a young girl, her younger brother, and a bush boy who fight for survival in the Australian desert. James Vance Marshall, the author, shows many problems of survival that the children are faced with, throughout their journey in the Australian desert. Some of the barriers that they are faced with are: language barrier, unfamiliar surroundings and the lack of essential items. Survival in the wilderness can be challenging, however one must be able to overcome these barriers in order to survive. The children in this novel are always faced with a communication problem; do to the Aboriginal not knowing their language and visa versa. The children try to overcome this barrier by using hand gestures, and pointing to things that sound like the word. Communication is the most important asset that they need in order for survival. The children have a difficult time-sharing their thoughts with one another, thus making it very frustrating for all of them to get their thoughts out in the open: 'We don't know what you're saying. But we're lost. We want to go to Adelaide' (Marshall, 45). This quote that Peter says is proving that the two children did not understand what he was saying. Peter asked him a question in return but Peter had to try and use hand expressions in order for the Aboriginal to understand. A language barrier can cause many problems for anyone, however, the children are also faced with another obstacle and that is unfamiliar surroundings. Since the children are unfamiliar with the area and where everything is located in the wild, they do not know how to go about in their journey. With no compass and no map, the children are very puzzled and are lost before they even begin their journey to Adelaide. A compass or a map would have allowed them to know which direction they are heading in; instead they must try and use the sun as a guide. By being in an unfamiliar area the children feel lost and alone: 'Lying beneath the great slab of rock, he looked small and helpless, dwarfed by the immensity of his surroundings'; (Marshall, 18). Since the children are unfamiliar with their environment, knowing where they can locate food becomes a dilemma. Essential items needed for survival are always hard to come by in the desert. Food is the most essential item of them all.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Narrative essay on African American people
The issue on African-American exemplifies the problem on racism / racial discrimination. Among the whites, the African-American class comprises the minority group in United States of America. In history, the Civil War was caused by disagreement of Confederates States of America to free African-American slaves. The fear to African-Americans excluded them in military. After the Civil War, the slavery of African-American people was still prevalent. African-American people were still treated as slaves, they do not have equal right as the whites, and abused by the larger groups in almost all American societies. (Until today) Although laws pertaining for equal rights to all citizens of America were instigated, racial discrimination is implied / seen in United States (Franklin, J. H. and A. A. Moss, Jr., http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375406713). Education The effect of racial discrimination causes separation / segregation in schools in the south and in the north of America. In United States, two worlds were created between the white society and black community. The culture, customs, practices, beliefs between the two races can not meet / come across. The American-Africans were excluded in the mainstream of American societies. Conversely, there were cases where African-Americans were not allowed to be educated. Bylaws of the society issue a criminal case to any educating African-American (before). Unequal education between the whites and American-Africans arises. The public schools issue racial discrimination over American-Africans. In any cases, American-Africans were given little attention when it comes to consultation (between black students and teachers), resources (books and school supplies), and concerns of teachers. Despite of the separation between the whites and American-Africans education, American-Africans focus on the church as center in their educational and political living. Today, the bilingual education helps American-Africans to respect their own culture, tradition, beliefs, and customs. American-Africans do have equal rights to the system they wanted to be educated. The bilingual education enhances the student’s capability in studying since American-Africans can educate in their own languages / lingo. Community The community easily identifies slaves with regards to the appearance, color, and language of African-Americans. Early in the history, African-Americans were castigated since they were in greater supply. Specifically, women were abused, they were treated as animals, and sex slavery was abundant in United States. The African-Americans children were automatically become slaves. The whites implemented laws prohibiting African-Americans to owned guns, create business, and possess equal rights to the community. The African-Americans comprises a portion in the community. These people are inapt in American societies. The whites feel superior, dominance, authority to the black community. In a particular community in United States, the whites prefer to favor the whites instead of an African-American. A whites tend to gives more importance to a white person rather than help a poor African-American. In any community, a dominant class would be authoritative, racist, abused the minority. It is actually natural / normal to any community / nation / society. In a white’s perspective, they hated blacks. They think that blacks were criminals, without education, and belong to lower classes of the society. The white community discriminates those blacks. In any situations, the hospital gives first priority to a white patient, a (white) employer gives favor to a white applicant, and the white community would only hear a white’s complaint. Family Slavery causes division / separation of African-American families. Because the blacks were given a monetary value, they were forced to work as slaves. Unfair employment was given to the African-Americans. The society looks at an African-American family inferior to the social order of United States. Society The society directs to how its environment will works. Through the globe, slave trade is seen between two (strong) nations. Muslims were able to exchange African slaves. In the societal scheme of the whites, they enslaved African-Americans. The whites were able to utilized African-Americans in their farms, and other business works (Franklin, J. H. and A. A. Moss, Jr., http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375406713). Nevertheless, the whites gave the African-Americans low degree of employment (blue-collar job). The whites worry to the destabilization in their economic expansion and hierarchy. African-Americans were the ones involved in harvesting crops, security, peon, and soiled works. The slave trade in United States produced tobacco, cotton, and sugar. In the last 100 years, the high mortality rate and abused of African-Americans open an opportunity for a social change. Although there are free African-Americans, they were controlled in the society. In history, slaves purchased their own freedom. In the political system of the United States, African-Americans could vote. They were not given the right to take part in the election since they were included in the lower classes. Threats exist to exclude African-African from voting. As much as they couldn’t do businesses, they also prohibited to own any property. The whites wanted to contain and continue supremacy over African-Americans. No African-Americans can complaint to any crimes done by the whites. In the movie Crash, there was an incident where an African-American woman was molested by a cop (white), her husband wasn’t able to charge a court case since he was an African-American. Miscegenation (interracial marriage) was not allowed by the society. Such cases would issue a lawsuit and incarceration of any African-American. The society enforced segregation on hotels, buses (transportation), theaters, and restaurants between the whites and African-Americans. The society does not recognize talents, music, intelligence, and capability of blacks. Summary In any develop nation, two races creates a chaotic situation of education, community, culture, customs, and beliefs. Abused and mistreatment of the minority groups is prevalent in these societies. African-Americans suffer from racial discrimination; unemployment, inability to take part in the elections, isolation of education, and abused on the rights of African-Americans as a citizen of the United States. Until today, African-Americans were given the right to vote, fair employment, inclusion in military forces, and given important position in the government. People can’t do away with the differences in appearances, culture, and beliefs, but, people can meet halfway in order to attain equality. Work Cited Franklin, J. H. and A. A. Moss, Jr. From Slavery to Freedom A History of African Americans (8th Edition). Random House, Inc. 2004. URL http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780375406713. Retrieved October 4, 2007.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Jim Crow Laws
Segregation and disfranchisement laws were often supported, moreover, by brutal acts of ceremonial and ritualized mob vi olence (lynchings) against southern blacks. Indeed, from 1889 to 1930, over 3,700 men and women were reported lynched in the United States–most of whom were southern blacks. Hundreds of other lynchings and acts of mob terror aimed at brutalizing blacks occurred throughout the era but went unreported in the press.Numerous race riots erupted in the Jim Crow era, usually in towns and cities and almost always in defense of segregation and white supremacy. These riots engulfed the nation from Wilmington, South Carolina, to Houston, Texas; from East St. Louis and Chicago to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the years from 1865 to 1955. The riots usually erupted in urban areas to which southern, rural blacks had recently migrated. In the single year of 1919, at least twenty-five incidents were recorded, with numerous deaths and hundreds of people injured.So bloody was this summe r of that year that it is known as the Red Summer of 1919. The so-called Jim Crow segregation laws gained significant impetus from U. S. Supreme Court rulings in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. In 1883, the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional the Civil Rights Act of 1875. The 1875 law stipulated: â€Å"That all persons †¦ shall be entitled to full and equal enjoyment of the ac Some historians believe that a Mr. Crow owned the slave who inspired Rice's act–thus the reason for the Jim Crow term in the lyrics.In any case, Rice incorporated the skit into his minstrel act, and by the 1850s the â€Å"Jim Crow†character had become a standard part of the minstrel show scene in America. On the eve of the Civil War, the Jim Crow idea was one of many stereotypical images of black inferiority in the popular culture of the day–along with Sambos, Coons, and Zip Dandies. The word Jim Crow became a racial slur synonymous with black, colored, or Negro in the vocabulary of many whites; and by the end of the century acts of racial discrimination toward blacks were often referred to as Jim Crow laws and practices.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Domestic Violence Case Study Analysis Social Work Essays
Domestic Violence Case Study Analysis Social Work Essays Domestic Violence Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay Domestic Violence Case Study Analysis Social Work Essay Mrs. Chan lives with her hubby and two kids. The boy and the girl are aged 11 and 8 severally. The twosome has been married for 20 old ages. Mr. Chan runs a food market shop, and is the breadwinner of the whole household. Mrs. Chan is a homemaker and responsible for taking attention of the two kids and housekeeping. Both are in their fortiess Summary of the information gathered Showing job and the purpose of appraisal Mrs. Chan came to sought aid because of the disaffection relationship between her hubby and boy. Furthermore, the domestic violent besides be another issue because Mr. Chan abused the client often. The societal worker carried out two interviews to garner specific information about the household. The purpose was to recognize the state of affairs and raise an intercession program to ease positive relationships of all household members. Problem appraisal Clients perceptual experience of the jobs During the several contacts with Mrs. Chan, she conveyed her position on the issues which exists in their household. The client expressed that she has two major concerns. One is she felt helpless when confronting the domestic force. The other is that she worried about her boy would be negative influenced by her male parent and be hurt during household force. She told the worker that she had been abused by her hubby for several months get downing from last twelvemonth and tolerated the unfairness mistreatment for a long clip. Sometimes, he even did the violent behaviour in forepart of their kids. And her hubby of all time threatened her with a knife. Mrs. Chan admitted that she felt feared. For her kids, she decides to go forth their household temporarily. The client mentioned that the mutual conversation between her hubby and boy is rarely. Even when they stay together there is rare communicating. She did non cognize how to better their relationship and was dying to seek solutions to rectify this state of affairs. She said to worker she has of all time hear her boy mutter that he has hidden some arms and may utilize them to assail his male parent. Besides, her boy s public presentation in school is non every bit good as earlier. Therefore, she was solicitous about the struggle between two of them will more and more declining which will convey approximately more negative consequence on her boy. Worker s perceptual experience of the jobs During the interviews with Mrs. Chan, the worker observed that the household operation is imbalanced because of domestic force. Domestic force Family system theory focal point on the interaction forms within a household. It stressed that in each household, there exists a regulation to restrict each household members behaviour. And the boundaries and communicating forms of each member s are defined. ( McCue, 1995 ) . By following the theory, the worker found that Mr. Chan seems to see himself as the dominant function and authorization in their household, one time some household members do non obey his regulations they will accomplish penalty. And Mr. Chan use force as a mean to reconstruct Mrs. Chan s place within the household. father-son relationship The worker found that the anomic relationship between the male parent and boy chiefly consequence from domestic force. In this instance, the male child s male parent is the commiting party and his female parent is a victim. The male child presented bitterness and fright to his male parent, what his behaviour, such as indifference and disaffection stand for his emotion. 3 ) Family communicating As a consequence of domestic force, the spousal relationship and parent-children relationship were both damaged. The mere household communicating lead to household system lacks basic apprehension and support. During the interview, the worker found that the deformed communicating form and alienated relationships between household members are consequences of domestic force. To Mrs. Chan s boy, his academic public presentation and mental wellness were both negative influenced by domestic force. Agreed position of the client and the worker Mrs. Chan and the worker agreed that the first thing is to vouch the safety of her and her two kids. Staying in inn can supply an chance to her composures down and do a determination whether leave or non. Based on the premiss, a sound household relationship and a harmonious ambiance would be constructed in the long tally. Precedences of jobs domestic force and spousal relationship relationship between Mr. Chan and his boy household communicating and relationship among all household members Intervention stage Aims Short -term: To relieve the domestic force in Mrs. Chan s household and better the relationship between the twosome. To better the relationship between Mr. Chan and his boy Long-run: 1. To ease positive interaction form and create harmonious household atmosphere. Schemes and principles shelter plan Shelters have been bit by bit became a critical schemes for adult females and kids who are fixing to get away force. The shelter plan can assist abused adult females cover with current crisis and fix to command their lives. ( McCue, 1995 ) . At present, the foremost concern is the safety of Mrs. Chan and her kids. Through shelter plan, Mrs. Chan can quiet down to see the agreements afterwards and do a rational determination for their hereafter lives. Cognitive-behavioral attack The worker believes that a cognitive-behavioral attack for Mr. Chan would be effectual to work out the whole household job. The cognitive -behavior theoretical account stated that behaviour is influenced by knowledge: behaviour will be modified by knowledge. ( Bonnet A ; Williams, 2001 ) . By cognitive-behavioral attack, Mr. Chan can indentify the state of affairs which trigger his choler and larn how to command aggressive emotion with adaptative behaviour. Common communicating workshop Family members use verbal and gestural channels to convey messages. And the interaction and communicating forms play an of import function in household relationship. ( Hepworth, R. Rooney, G. Rooney, Strom-Gottfried, A ; Larsen, 2010 ) . For the intent of bettering the household relationship and bettering the communicating form, some relevant activities would be arranged for them. The workshop includes forming some domestic activities to relieve the misinterpretations and ease mutual communicating among household members. By this method, the household relationship will be more stable and harmonious. Parental accomplishments developing Marital struggle ever related with ineffectualness parenting, and kids who suffer parental strife and detached parenting are prone to stand for internalising behaviours include anxiousness, depression and projecting behavior include aggressive and noncompliance. ( Papalia, Olds, A ; Feldman, 2009 ) . Through the preparation, the parental form of the twosome can be improved, and their boy s emotional and mental issues can be alleviated and be more preoccupation with schooling. Regular meeting with kids Since the domestic force impose a negative influence on the male child, a regular meeting with the kid is mandatory. By the regularly meeting, workers can give out specific and pertinent suggestions and undertakings to assist the kid reconstruct his assurance and outlook to the household, community every bit good as the society.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The French Expression VoilÃÂ
The French Expression Voil Pronunciation: [vwa la] Register: normal Even though voil is just one word, it has so many possible meanings- most of which require multiple words in the English equivalents- that weve decided to treat it as an expression. The first thing to know about voil is that its spelled voil. Please note that the grave accent on the a is obligatory. (See common misspellings at the end of this article.) Secondly, voil, which is a contraction of vois l (literally, see there), has varied uses and meanings, which are hard to define precisely, so weve provided numerous examples to help make the distinctions clear. Here, There Voil can be a presentative which introduces a visible noun or group of nouns and can mean any of the following: here is, here are, there is, there are. Technically, voil only refers to things that are farther away (there is/are), while voici is used for close things (here is/are), but in reality voil tends to be used for all of the above, except when a distinction between two objects is required.   Voil la voiture que je veux acheter.    Here / There is the car I want to buy.   Me voil !    Here I am!   Le voil !    Here it / he is! There it / he is!   Voici mon livre et voil le tien.    Heres my book and theres yours. This, That When followed by an interrogative adverb or indefinite relative pronoun, voil means this/that is:   Voil oà ¹ il habite maintenant.    This is where he lives now.   Voil pourquoi je suis parti.    Thats why I left / That is the reason (why) I left.   Voil ce que nous devons faire.    This is what we have to do.   Voil ce quils mont dit.    Thats what they told me. Filler Voil is commonly used as a sort of summing up expression at the end of a statement. This is usually just a filler and doesnt have a simple English equivalent. In some cases, you could say you know, OK, or there you have it, but in general we just leave it out of the English translation.   Nous avons dà ©cidà © dacheter une nouvelle voiture et de donner lancienne notre fils, voil.    We decided to buy a new car and give the old one to our son.   On va commencer avec ma prà ©sentation, suivie dune visite du jardin et puis le dà ©jeuner, voil.    Were going to start with my presentation, followed by a visit to the garden and then lunch. How Long Voil can be an informal replacement for depuis or il y a when talking about how long something has been going on or how long ago something happened.   Voil 20 minutes que je suis ici.    Ive been here for 20 minutes.   Nous avons mangà © voil trois heures.    We ate three hours ago. That's Right Voil can be used to agree with what someone just said, along the lines of thats right or thats it exactly. (Synonym: en effet)   - Alors, si jai bien compris, vous voulez acheter sept cartes postales mais seulement quatre timbres.    - Voil.   - So if Ive understood correctly, you want to buy seven postcards but only four stamps.    - Thats right. Now You've Done It Et voil is commonly used, especially when talking to children, after youve warned them about something and they do it anyway, causing the very problem you tried to prevent. Not quite as mocking as I told you so, but along those lines: I warned you, you should have listened, etc.    Non, arrà ªte, cest trop lourd pour toi, tu vas le faire tomber... et voil.    No, stop, thats too heavy for you, youre going to drop it... and you did / I warned you. Spelling Notes Voil is sometimes used in English, and for this reason, its often written voila. This is acceptable in English, which tends to lose accents on words borrowed from other languages, but its not acceptable in French. There are several other common misspellings: Voil has the wrong accent. The only letter that ever has an acute accent in French is e, as in à ©tà © (summer).Viola is a word, though not a French one: a viola is a musical instrument slightly larger than a violin; the French translation is alto.Vwala is an Anglicized spelling of voil.Walla? Not even close. Please, use voil.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
International marketing - Essay Example As regards its regional competitors, Carrefour is currently Migros’ biggest threat. By 2005 it was operating 12 mega, or hyper-markets in Switzerland, with net sales totalling â‚ ¬ 402 million. Added to that, there is significant incoming competition from Germany’s leading retailers, Aldi and Lidl, who announced their intention to expand into the Swiss market. The implication here is that both present and prospective competition are expanding and intensifying, with it being incumbent of Migros to design a strategic marketing plan, based on a careful and critical study of the market situation and environment, should it want to retain its leadership position in the Swiss retail market. The intent of this report is to draw on strategic marketing and communications theory for the design of a marketing plan as would allow, or enable, Migros to maintain its leadership position in the Swiss retail market. An analysis of an organisation’s market and its external environment function as the building block for the design of any marketing strategy/campaign. This section of the report will, therefore, present a brief overview of Migros’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). On the intra-organisational level, Migros has several exploitable strengths, not least of which its decades-long history in the Swiss market and the resultant bond forged with consumers; its ownership structure in that it is owned by its customers, by the Swiss people themselves; its highly competitive prices; its strong market presence in more than one industry/sector, implying high visibility; consumer perceptions of it as an ethical company which only carries goods which are ethical/produced within strict ethical guidelines; and the fact that its suppliers are, ultimately its consumers all function as strengths unique to Migros. The primary intra-organisational weakness confronting Migros, as
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Leading Generation X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leading Generation X - Essay Example Transactional leadership does not stimulate extra role behavior, rather it tends to encourage and promote in-role behavior, however with general standards of behavior being eligible for a reward if higher than optimum expected levels. The relationship between a transactional leader and his followers is purely an economic exchange, doing more than what is expected or achieving extraordinary things are not likely to be appreciated (Pillai et al, 1999). Doyle and Smith (no date) in their discussion of classical leadership theories, have also mentioned the views put forward by Bass (1985) on the potential for existing transactional leadership patterns to be transformed, in order to cater to the more sophisticated demands that are made upon leaders today. The transactional approach may be more relevant in serving the self-interest of employees and may thus lend itself well to Generation X-ers. (Doyle and Smith, no date:7) The traits theory that is explicated in most detail in the article by Rodriguez, Green and Ree (2003), essentially centers upon the general traits or qualities all leaders were thought to possess, which differentiated them from their followers. This article also points out the difficulties in application of the Traits theory, since it does not take into account the situation or context within which a leader is required to make decisions. Another drawback with the Traits theory is that the list of qualities enumerated by Gardner (1989) contains a motley mix of traits, such as behavioral traits, skills and abilities, temperament and intellectual abilities. Lastly, the list of traits is closely associated with maleness and the attributes on Gardner’s list are male; as a result females are not viewed as viable leaders (Rosener, 1997). As a result, the traits leadership model may not be appropriate for generation X-ers where there is a large representation of women in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
Human Resource Management - Essay Example In a sense, all judgments or assessments which involve the personnel regarding the organization’s HRM activities. Despite the consequences of size (or subsistence attributes) of a recognized HRM or personnel department, the attributes implicated in HRM are convincing all the way through the organization. There are numerous assorted attributes concerned with HRM. Recruitment is in actual fact a method of translating extensive policies into prepared actions. The major task for the method normally rests with the HRM department, even though most duties are collective with line managers. HR managers are in charge for shaping recruitment course of action, making certain EEO observance, and training and appraising the recruiters. In addition numerous organizations for instance Merek, Coca-Cola dynamically engross line managers and employees as recruiters. As illustrated above proficient divergence between line managers and HR managers can take place when their preference differ. For case in point, line managers may be more anxious about confirmatory accomplishment guidelines and appointing objectives or employing with EEO rules. Based on HR plan, the organization has a moderately superior suggestion of its on the whole recruitment or rationalize requirements, on the other hand, this information must be prepared and communicated to others who will be taking the accomplishment (Bernardin and Russel, 1993). Recruitment is a structure that necessitates business standpoint, potential, skill to determine and consider the most exceptional possible applicant for the association, management, advertising skills (because to sell the place to the applicant) as well as thoughtful to line up the employment procedures for the advantage of the business. The Hunan Resource professionals treating the recruitment assignments of the association are continually looking innovative confronts. The most important confront for comparable professionals are to foundation or making
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